
Why Did George Kill Lennie Essay

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Why Did George Kill Lennie Essay
Did George have a good reason for killing Lennie? The reason for George to kill Lennie varies, and different people have different reasons or opinions of the situation. Well the reason was simply for protection, and all out of love. It was nothing personal, George just knew that it was the best thing to do for Lennie’s safety.
George had been Lennie’s caregiver for a long time, he knew that Lennie wasn’t in his right mind, and that he didn’t know what he was doing. When Lennie accidentally killed Curley’s wife no one had believed that it was an accident, but he just got tangled in her hair and panicked. Curley was chasing after Lennie, and Curley was going to torture him, kill him painfully or lock him up somewhere. And Lennie was not able
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They had been friends for a very long time, they cared and looked out for each other. Even though George was usually the one looking out for Lennie, he still didn’t want Lennie to go through all that torture and mistreatment. It would’ve been bad for Lennie to spend the last minutes of his life scared and mistreated by Curley, which was someone that he didn’t really like.
So George did have a good reason to kill Lennie. He was just looking out for him and making sure he gets the best like he always have. Lennie would have gone through a terrible and horrifying death if Curley had found him and killed him. George will always have to live with the fact that he killed his best friend, but he will also be comfortable in doing it because he was only saving him.
The reasoning for George to kill Lennie still varies and will probably continue to vary, but now you see George’s point of view of doing it. The reason was protective, and safety for Lennie because he knew Lennie couldn’t defend himself so he had to do it. When George pulled that trigger, he knew it was all out of love and nothing in doing it was personal. So by reading the passage, you should know that killing Lennie was the best thing to do. But even though George took lennie’s life, he also saved his

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