
Thematic Essay On A Call To Worship

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Thematic Essay On A Call To Worship
Ronald Lee Philpot, Sr. Comment by Karen Carr: 100
Topic: Questions and Answers from ?Called to Worship?, Chapter One (Creation: A Call to Worship)
In this world of multiple worship opportunities, how can we know that the God of the Bible is the God we are to worship? The God of the Bible reveals Himself through His creation. He is revealed as Elohim, the All-Powerful God who formed us in His image. Although we cannot see Him, we can sense His presence and know that through His power, He spoke and things were created, like the lights in the sky, the plants, the fish in the sea, the animals and you and me. And this God did not do this accidently; He had a plan. Through this plan He would teach us how to worship and teaches us also
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This God, known as the Creator, Elohim, is all powerful and sovereign, formed us in His image and placed within us the desire to know Him, fellowship with Him, love Him supremely, and worship Him. The Bible tells us that God?s Spirt was moving over the water[footnoteRef:1], and realizing that He wants to be with us and that without His presence we will not have worship. Therefore, it is when He is with us that we respond to worship. Through the Creator we discover power in His voice, for when He spoke things happened. For example, In Genesis, chapter 1, God said let there be light, let there be lights in the sky, let there be plants, let there be birds in the air, let there be animals and let there be humans. This is not all that God did in creation but He put His stamp of approval on it. Shouldn?t we be like Abraham, Moses and David and learn to worship Him? Beyond that God devised a plan to call seasons into existence and establish weeks and years, and this was all a part for the time when He would make man in His own image so that man would have a relationship with God and that man would glorify and worship God. Finally, God revealed some things about Himself that we can attribute to our worship of Him. First, we discover God revealed that He rested on the seventh day giving us an opportunity to meditate and worship God. Second, He created man, enduring him with three essential life elements (breath, will and freedom of choice, and all three reflected the image of God). Third, God placed with man a desire for companionship and this desire lends itself toward worship and fourth, God created a reproductive cycle. Therefore, the window that God opened revealed and displayed His glory, allowing man to see His love and wisdom so that we could know Him better and have a desire to want to worship Him. [1: God?s Spirt was

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