
The Use of Symbolism within Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

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The Use of Symbolism within Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye, a novel written by J. D. Salinger, is set around the 1950s. It is narrated by Holden Caulfield, and follows his three-day journey in New York after flunking out of Pencey Prep. The story centers around Holden, a 17 year-old protagonist, and the transition from innocent childhood into phony adulthood. Considered a coming-of-age novel, it deals with complex issues of identity, belonging, death, and alienation. Salinger uses symbolism in the text to convey these themes to the reader. Symbolism is a way of adding depth and meaning to a story, while conveying a complex idea that can be understood and recognized in a variety of ways. In doing this, Salinger uses symbolism throughout the entire text of The Catcher in the Rye.

Salinger makes Holden’s red hunting hat a crucial symbol in the story. However, Holden only wears the hat at specific times or moments throughout the text. Holden wears his “old hunting hat, [when] writing the composition” (Salinger 37) to connect with Allie due to that fact that the hat is the colour red “and [Allie] had very red hair” (Salinger 38); as he “took a look . . . in the mirror” (Salinger 45) acting tough after Stradlater had punched him in the face; when leaving Pencey Prep yelling “Sleep tight, ya morons!’ (Salinger 52) to make “sure that he will be rejected. Protected only by the red hat” (Bloom 90-91). Even though he “really got a bang out of the hat” (Salinger 27), he is embarrassed or lack confidence to wear it in public, like on the train, at the bar, and in the hotel lobby. The hat symbolizes his uniqueness and who he wants to be. He admits it is “very corny” (Salinger 18) and comments on its unusual appearance, but when he wears it, he can be insular, unique, and tough. Like he is embarrassed to wear the hat in public, he is confused about who he really is or who he wants to be. He wears the hat in times when he desires to be different from everyone around him and “wears [it] backwards on his

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