
The Tower Of Babel And Cain

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The Tower Of Babel And Cain
Consider the story of the tower of Babel in comparison to Cain and Abel. In both cases people sin, but how does God deal with them differently? What is the significance of these sins, and their punishments? Can any inference be made concerning human nature and God’s nature?

Firstly, the way God deals with the sinners is different. Babylonians are too arrogant that they build a tower to reach the heaven. Therefore, God confuses their language, causing them to speak different languages so they would not understand each other. He also scatters the people of the city all over the face of the earth. As for the case of Cain and Abel, because of jealousy toward his brother, Cain kills Abel. However, the punishment of God is not depriving of his life. God puts a sign on the forehead of Cain instead.

Secondly, according to these two stories, we can see that both of these sins have significant meanings, and the punishments sinners receive are respectively based on their sins. Cain commits the first murder in human history. As for his punishment, God uses Cain as an example to warn human beings do not go against God’s decrees: humans cannot kill humans. As for the tower of Babel, before starting to build the tower, people never challenge the status of God or have a thought that they want to be as high as God. And their punishment explains why there are several languages in the world.

Finally, human’s nature is virtue at the beginning but turn completely opposite in the end. On the contrary, God’s nature remains perfectly wonderful. By looking these vicious events, we can say that most of the human beings never accept God discipline. They make the same flaws again and again. For example, people often excessively indulge in material enjoyment. By contrast, God always gives good things to humans. He creates the world by himself, building the Garden of Eden, and even granting Adam and Even the right to be immortal.

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