
The Men We Carry in Our Minds

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The Men We Carry in Our Minds
Maureen Roach
English 101
19 January 2013

Men versus Women in Society
In “The Men We Carry in Our Minds” by Scott Russell Sanders, Sanders described how men worked hard all day and the health issues they later on in life. Sanders also show the comments and reactions of women he knew or came across throughout his childhood life. As he got older, his opinion changed tremendously. He realized women had it much harder.
In the society today, men and women are trying to make things equal between the two genders. Women are allowed to participate in what some people call men activities or jobs, such as: welding, mechanics, or even being the CEO of some companies. During Sanders’s past most of a man’s future was to work hard and to support their families and women’s jobs were to take care of the house and children. In the past, all men worked hard. Sanders grew up to believe that men were to be in charge of everything. Men were the backbone of the country. Sanders say “When I was a boy, the men I knew labored with their bodies, they were marginal farmers, just scrapping by, or welders, steelworkers, and carpenters” (Sanders, 623.) Sanders had more consideration towards men. His view on men are without a doubt shown, that men are what keeps this country up, if it was not for the hard working hands of men, nothing would be able to get function properly. He also believed that men were warriors, superior beings that would give their life for the right thing. It has always been known that men are more in control than women are. It is clearly shown that Sanders is sensitive towards men and will always be on their side no matter what the situation is, but he also has a soft side for women because he has now come to realize what they go through alot while men are at work.
Sanders also express his views on women. He believe that women have it harder than men, “This must be a hard time for women…. they have so many paths to choose from, and so many voices calling them”

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