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SCHOOL UNIFORMS ; Pros and cons of school uniforms

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SCHOOL UNIFORMS ; Pros and cons of school uniforms
Pros and cons of school uniforms

This research paper is lovingly dedicated to my respective parents/guardians who have been our constant source of inspiration. They have given us the drive and discipline to tackle any task with enthusiasm and determination. Without their love and support this research would not have been made possible.


This research paper is made possible through the help and support from everyone, including: parents, teachers, family, friends, and in essence, all sentient beings.

Especially, please allow me to dedicate my acknowledgment of gratitude toward the following significant advisors and contributors:

First and foremost, I would like to thank a friend for her most support and encouragement. She kindly read my paper and offered invaluable detailed advices on grammar, organization, and the theme of the paper.

Second, I would like to thank my adviser to read my thesis and to provide valuable advices, to reproof the paper, as well as all the other professors. Finally, I sincerely thank to my parents, family, and friends, who provide the advice and financial support. The product of this research paper would not be possible without all of them.

Chapter I
The Problem and It’s Background


Whether you had to wear them in the past or not, it is easy to see why there is such a debate about uniforms in school. In years gone by, it was more acceptable to students when having to wear a uniform at school, mainly because the rules were different. However, years go by and rules obviously change with time. When you take into account all of the different personalities, backgrounds and cultures that you have melting together in schools today, it is normal that you would have parents, faculty and children all butting heads when it comes to a discussion about the need for uniforms in school.

No matter which side you happen to be on, it is possible that the debate over the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms will go on forever. Whether it seems to be a matter of personal preference or not, there will still be institutions that will insist on the solid rule that students will have to wear some sort of uniform. However, where do the students and their wishes come into the equation? With so much talk about how you should remain an individual and express yourself, is it right to tell students that they need to fall in line and wear what everyone else is wearing? What about self-expression, and should students be able to pick their clothing within reason? The debate continues.


This research paper aims to determine and prove the integrity of the study. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1) Should schools have uniforms?

2) What are the standards of wearing and having a school uniform?

3) What are the pros and cons wearing a school uniform?

4) Do school uniforms prevent violent in schools?

5) How can students with uniforms express their individuality?


This study provides information and knowledge about pros and cons of wearing school uniforms and how it affects the behavior of the student in and out of the school especially high school students.


This research is limited only to the pros and cons of wearing and having school uniforms of high school students. This is also states if school uniforms can prevent high school students from bullying. Furthermore, it tackles how it affects the behavior of students in and out of the school vicinity.


To facilitate a clearer understanding of the study the following standard definition were used:

School uniforms - s an outfit—a set of standardized clothes—worn primarily for an educational institution. They are common in primary and secondary schools in various countries. When used, they form the basis of a school 's dress code.

Pros and Cons - 1. the various arguments in favour of and against a motion, course of action, etc
[C16: from Latin prō for + con, from contrā against]

Pro and con are words used to debate a topic. Pro gives the positive sides of an issue and con the negative.

Pro is Latin for the word "for."
Con is an abbreviation for the Latin word "contra" that means "against."

Violence - "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."[2] This definition associates intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces. Generally, although, anything that is turbulent or excited in an injurious, damaging or destructive way, or presenting risk accordingly, may be described as violent or occurring violently, even if not signifying violence (by a person and against a person).

Individuality - (or selfhood) is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly of being a person separate from other persons and possessing his or her own needs or goals.

Behavior or behavior - is the range of actions and mannerisms made by organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with their environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. It is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt orcovert, and voluntary or involuntary.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

This part of the research paper deals with the review of the related literature both foreign and local that have a direct bearing to the study.

Review of Related Literature (FOREIGN)
School uniforms and dress codes have been examined, discussed, and debated in schools, court rooms, and back yards for the last quarter century. Students may be crossing the line established by educators and parents on what is appropriate clothing for school. Behling (1994) states “The basis for stricter codes is the perception that typical fashionable clothing worn to school may be distracting in an academic environment.
…clothing may be used by students who are members of gangs as means of identifying fellow members” (p.2). Researchers have found “that uniforms lessen emphasis on fashion, reduce the financial burden of low-income families, and promote peer acceptance, school pride, and learning” (Lumsden & Miller, 2002, p. 2). Conversely, there are researchers who are not convinced that school uniforms can solve the educational issues identified as troublesome by society.

The right to a public school education is the right of every child in the United
States. The wearing of a uniform should not determine whether a child will get an education; therefore, an opt out provision must be included in the uniform policy in order for it to be legal (Williams, n.d.).

This review of literature will acquaint us with the legal history of school uniforms; why schools became interested in adopting school uniforms and how schools have set in motion the school uniform requirement; and the theories that concern themselves with child development and the adoption of school uniform policies as being a success or a failure.
In the United States there is a desire to leave no child behind (No Child, 2002) and provide a safe and the best learning environment possible for each child. Tax payers wish to have a return on their investment with a K-12 education resulting in responsible and caring citizens (School District, 2002). School uniforms may have an impact on our children’s safety, their school climate, and their academic achievement and behavior.
School uniforms may create a positive learning environment by assisting students in becoming good citizens who contribute to society.

Legal Review of School Uniforms

According to Uerling (1997), Americans have been concerned about governmental power and personal liberties since 1943. Uerling states:
In West Virginia State Bd. of Educ. V. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), the Court stated that “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and free expression; and if the incidental restriction on alleged First
Amendment freedoms is no greater than is essential to the furtherance of that interest. (p. 1)

Uerling also cites the court decisions of Tinker v. Des Moines School Dist., 393
U.S. 503 (1969), Bannister v. Paradis, 316 F. Supp. 185 (D.N.H. 1970) and Wallace v.
Ford, 348 F. Supp. 158 (E.D. Ark. 1972), which are more concerned about dress codes and appearance in the schools (Uerling, 1997). The schools have been challenged in court over the length and style of boys’ hair cuts, messages on clothing, and gang-related clothing. Administrators and school boards have authority to regulate student appearance, with limitations.

Another case, decided in 2001, was Littlefield v. Forney Independent School
District (2001). Similar to Canady v. Bossier (2001) in content it also was decided for the defendant. The case questioned First Amendment rights, parenting issues and religious freedom. The judge ruled that the students’ free speech was not hindered, the parent’s right to control the upbringing of their children was not hindered and that to opt out of the policy they did need to bring a sincere document to the school stating their beliefs. The reasons for the school uniform policy were dictated for the good of the school and all students (Lumsden & Miller, 2002 and 5th Circuit, 2001).

Review of Related Literature (LOCAL)
MANILA, Philippines -- All public elementary and high school students will no longer be required to wear uniforms, Education Secretary Jesli Lapus announced on Tuesday.
Lapus announcement expanded the coverage of an earlier order by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in a speech Monday, exempting six-year-olds entering Grade One from the uniform requirement to lessen the expenses of their families. The education secretary also reminded public school officials to strictly observe the no-fee collection policy to ensure schoolchildren, particularly, those enrolling in the first elementary grades, are prevented from attending classes because of poverty.
"These are all in line with our policy that public education must have no cost," he told reporters in an interview before Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. Still, Lapus stressed that, even without uniforms, public school students should observe the proper dress code, adding the department would come out with guidelines soon. He added that students must wear their identification cards at all times while inside the campus.
Responding to criticisms that not requiring uniforms would be more costly since students would have to buy different sets of clothes every so often, Lapus said those who choose to continue wearing uniforms may do so. He said government is hoping the public school enrollment rate increases now that the uniform requirement has been removed.
Meanwhile, the Presidential Task Force on Education has given assurances the opening of classes next week will be smooth. The task force briefed Arroyo on preparations for the new school year during Tuesday 's Cabinet meeting. Fr. Bienvenido Nebres, task force chairman, said 2,000 teachers are being trained for English proficiency and classrooms are being readied.
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) chief Augusto Syjuco Jr. said Arroyo has approved another P1 billion for scholarships for his agency and the Commission on Higher Education.

Chapter III
Presentation and Analysis

This chapter deals with the presentation of conducted research, the analyzed facts and interpretation of gathered data.


The focus of this position paper is school uniforms. Many schools have made the choice to have their students wear uniforms because they are thought to be very beneficial. One side believes that school uniforms will help authorities to distinguish who belongs in the school and who doesn’t, reduce social snobbery and peer pressure, and are cost efficient. They believe school uniforms encourage a sense of proprietary and discipline. The other side feels that uniforms can alter ones individuality. They can make it hard for students to express themselves. Uniforms can cause parents to spend even more money than they spent before students had to wear uniforms. This side also believes that academic performance may have no relation with wearing uniforms. This paper argues that school uniforms are not as beneficial as they are made out to be. When schools made the decision to make students wear uniforms, they didn’t think about the personal effects they would have on students.

There have been many debates over school uniforms amongst students, parents, and school authorities. They all seem to believe that wearing uniforms has both its pros and cons. This side believes some of the pros are that uniforms are cost efficient. They believe by making students wear uniforms, students will not pressure their parents to buy them name brand clothing such as Roca Wear, Baby Phat, Gucci, etc. Wearing uniforms will reduce social snobbery and peer pressure. They feel that by having students wear the same attire, they will be less likely to pick on one another because of what they are wearing. School authorities believe that uniforms will help them to distinguish those that belong in their school and those who do not. With everyone wearing the same attire, it will be easy to point out any outsiders. On the other hand, the other side feels some of the cons of school uniforms are that uniforms cause parents to spend just as much money or even more than they did when students did not have to wear uniforms. Uniforms are not cheap and parents are still responsible for buying their children clothing to wear outside of school. This side also believes that uniforms can alter ones individuality and make it hard for them to express themselves. Making students wear uniform forces them to all look alike. Once again, when schools made the decision to have students wear uniforms, they were not thinking about the personal effects they would have on the students.
The Pros of School Uniforms People believe that school uniforms are beneficial in so many ways. One way will be that school uniforms help authorities to determine who belongs in their school and who does not. By making each student wear the same thing to school each day, it will be easy to notice the outsiders. Because students can be easily identified, intruders in the school setting can be more readily identified and students on field trips are more easily accounted for.( It is very important to get rid of intruders because they can try to harm students or cause trouble within the school. Wearing uniforms can help to distinguish students from visitors or parents. School uniforms are cost efficient. They are cheap and are getting cheaper. ( They save parents from spending so much money on expensive name brand clothing for their children. Many stores have discounts on school uniforms. Some schools have uniform give-a-ways to make sure their students have uniforms to wear to school, which is another way they make it easier on parents. By having students wear the same attire it will reduce social snobbery and peer pressure. Students will have a hard time talking about one another because they all have on the same thing. Kids cannot pressure their parents to buy them the new trendy clothing just because everyone else has them because everyone will be wearing uniform. Students will not be known by what they wear, but by how they perform. ( Uniforms will also help with children stealing clothing from one another. No one would want to steal because they all have the same dress. Having students wear uniforms will decrease gang related identity. It will help to make sure that students are dressing appropriately to school. “School uniforms encourage a sense of proprietary and discipline. Uniforms will create a sense of discipline and an ability in the students, to make sure that they are dressed in accordance to the expectation of the school.”(
Experts believe that children who wear school uniforms do better academically. This is due to a myriad of reasons, including not wasting time in the morning getting ready, lack of distractions, and a more formal studying environment.

School uniforms may significantly reduce peer pressure. With students not having to worry about their looks, fitting in no longer becomes the main worry in kid 's lives. School uniforms may also provide a way out for poor children who otherwise couldn 't keep up with the trends and would face ridicule or pressure from other children.

On the same note, while the initial investment to get school uniforms may be high, children can then wear the same outfit without having to worry about owning a large change of clothes. Uniforms are usually made out of durable, easy-to-care for materials that do not require frequent replacement.

The Cons of School Uniforms Just as school uniforms have their pros, they also have their cons. Uniforms make parents spend more money than they were before uniforms. Now that students have to wear uniforms, parents are forced to buy uniforms for school and regular clothing for after school and weekend. This causes parents to spend more money due to the fact that uniforms are not cheap. Not only do parents have to buy the uniform but some schools also require accessories such neck ties and socks that they have to buy. This causes parents to spend more little money which eventually adds up to them spending a lot of money. Making students wear uniform forces them all to look alike. This can alter ones individuality and make it hard for them to express themselves. “Self-expression is an important part of child development and some experts believe that curbing it with uniforms can be detrimental to children. Experts also believe that students who are forced to wear uniforms will only find other, less appropriate ways to express themselves, possibly through inappropriate use of makeup and jewelry.” ( I believe that if uniforms were more appealing than students would not have a problem wearing them. Students are stuck wearing uniforms, therefore authorities should give them some type of choice on what they have to wear. Schools believe that uniforms will help them to determine who belongs in their schools and who does not. This is a good concept but they have to realize that if someone really wants to get into their school, all they have to do is put on a uniform. I must admit, this would probably be harder to do for those schools that have to order their uniforms through one company so that all students’ uniforms look exactly alike. On the other hand, those schools that don’t require this process can easily have many intruders. Sonal Panse says, “Wearing the same type of dress reduces social snobbery and peer pressure in educational institutions. It is also supposed to reduce incidents of bullying and theft. How do you pick on someone for wearing the same dress as yourself? Why would you steal a pair of shoes you both have and can afford? Thus there are fewer arguments, and following a dress code plays more of a balancing act.” As much as parents and school officials want this to be true, it is not.
School uniforms may hinder self-expression through clothing, forcing children to find other ways to put across who they are. Children who wear school uniforms are more likely to use makeup early, and many resort to extreme accessories or to alter their uniforms to differentiate themselves from others. For example, many girls shorten their skirts as a way to rebel against the severity of school uniforms.

Self-expression and individuality is important to a child 's development. Wearing school uniforms may teach a child that is OK to conform to standards, even if you don 't agree with them. It also sends the child a mixed message, as the real world does not allow for safe options such as wearing a uniform.

School uniforms--some love them and some hate them. There seems to be a big rift between school uniform supporters and those against school uniforms. So what 's the deal? Let 's look at some of the cons against school uniforms.
1. School Uniform Con 1: Limited Self Expression
The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to identify with certain social groups. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their self identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion.
2. School Uniform Con 2: The Initial Cost
Though many argue that in the end, school uniforms are cheaper option to buying a school wardrobe, there is an argument that it is costly to buy several uniforms at once. Also, many school have several uniforms such as everyday uniforms, formal uniforms for special occasions and yet another uniform for P.E. Many parents argue that buying all these uniforms for all their kids every fall is hard on the family budget.
3. School Uniform Con 3: Comfort Factor
Kids are very specific about what they are comfortable wearing. Some kids are sensitive to certain materials while others are opposed to buttons, zippers and restrictive clothing. Some children are also uncomfortable wearing certain styles of clothing. Many girls, for example, do not like to wear skirts or dresses, which most girls ' uniforms require. No uniform can suit all children.
4. School Uniform Con 4: Requires Some Organization
This one is personal; as a rather unorganized mom, I admit that sometimes it 's hard to know exactly what uniform parts need to be washed, dried and ironed the night before. I have spent many a morning scrambling to find a tie or a blazer that was required for an event.
5. School Uniform Con 5: If It Isn 't Broke...
"Why bother?" is possibly the most common argument against school uniforms. Many educators and parents just don 't see the point in switching over to uniforms, especially in American public schools where uniforms are still the exception and not the rule.

This policy requires schools to review and document school uniform or dress code requirements in consultation with their communities and to develop strategies for the wearing of school uniforms.

A school uniform consists of a limited range of clothing, including footwear and headwear. It identifies students as belonging to a particular school. Schools usually expect students to wear the uniform during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when engaged in school activities out of school hours.

Careful selection of a school uniform can contribute to the health and safety of students when engaged in school activities. A school uniform should reflect school community standards and expectations. It should be developed in consultation with and agreed upon by the school community. It should be based on a strong student and parent voice. The whole school community has a role to play in encouraging the meeting of these standards.

Decisions about school uniforms should be consistent with work health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation. Aspects of the uniform related to safety, eg. safe footwear, eye protection and hats, will need to be enforced as appropriate.

Each school 's uniform policy must be the result of formal consultation with students, teachers and parents or carers, including the Parents and Citizens ' Association, local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and School Council where relevant. The consultation will be conducted in a manner appropriate to each school and be based on participatory decision-making principles. The school 's uniform policy and uniform requirements should be formally endorsed by the school community before implementation.

A school 's uniform policy should take into account the diverse nature of the student population in the school and not disadvantage any student. Economic, personal, social and cultural factors affecting students and their families must be considered when deciding on items of uniform. Other considerations, such as body shape or religious requirements should be taken into account in making a final decision on the design and fabric of school uniforms.

The school 's uniform policy and school uniform requirements should be reviewed at least every five years and amended where necessary. Groups within the school community may also seek a review when circumstances change significantly or issues arise.

Despite uniforms, students find ways to show individuality
Flexibility in dress code varies by school

Olivia Perkins of Laurel doesn’t mince words when it comes to the uniform policy at her school, Laurel High School.
“To be honest, I absolutely hate it,” said the 15-year-old. “It doesn’t let us portray our personality.” Still, even with the school’s policy that requires a collared white shirt and khaki pants, Perkins and other students in Prince George’s County find ways to add bits of personality to the uniform, she said. One school day, Perkins had accessorized her uniform with a light brown sweater, black earrings, a red hair clip, and four brightly colored bracelets with messages such as “Say no to bullying.”
“When I wake up in the morning, I don’t want to wear the same uniform as everyone else. I want to look different,” she said. “I’m going to try and find more and more things I can add in that works with the uniform policy.”
During the 2012-2013 school year, 160 of the county’s 204 schools had a mandatory uniform policy, setting standards for pants, shirts and shoes worn during school hours.
The county school system has allowed individual schools to maintain uniforms since the 1998-1999 school year, Lynn McCawley, a spokeswoman for the county school system, said in an email to The Gazette. Schools can establish a uniform policy by a vote among parents and guardians at the school, according to PGCPS rules.
Each school sets its own standards for what color or type of clothing may be worn, but students still can express themselves in a variety of ways, according to principals.
Bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, belt buckles and even hairstyles are open areas for students to show a bit of flair.
“We do have the uniform look, but you can see their personality through the jewelry or accessories they have on,” said Pearl Harmon, principal of Barack Obama Elementary School in Upper Marlboro.
Harmon’s school has a uniform policy that consists largely of navy blue shorts or pants and a gold, light blue or burgundy shirt.
Depending on each school’s policy, officials said various restrictions may apply, such as ensuring hairstyles and jewelry does not contain any offensive imagery.
Students who skirt the uniform policy at Kingsford Elementary School in Mitchellville that calls for a light blue top and navy blue pants with items such as colorful earrings or brightly colored shoes are generally counseled by school staff. Counseling or a note sent home to parents generally resolves the matter, said Paulette Watkins, principal of the school.
“We understand they want to have a little individuality,” she said. “A bow here and there, that’s not disruptive. Loud green shoes, those are disruptive.”
Bond Mill Elementary in Laurel does not have a uniform policy and isn’t looking to adopt one in the near future, said Justin Fitzgerald, the school’s principal.
“I don’t want to have spent a portion of my day figuring out if a student has the right color belt,” he said. “I’m able to focus my attention on other areas of the school day, observing a classroom [or] watching students learn.”
Can School Uniforms Reduce School Violence?
School is an environment in which children learn. Basically, those things that encourage learning are acceptable and those things that discourage it are unacceptable. School violence is considered one of those unacceptable items and one of the ways in which school districts are discouraging school violence is by implementing school uniforms.

What is a school uniform?

The school uniform is either a formal or informal form of dress that some schools have implemented in order to curb violence and eliminate distractions in this important learning environment. Usually when individuals think of the school uniform, they think of plaid skirts on girls with little suit jackets and a scarf around their neck. For boys, the thought turns to dress pants and jackets with white shirts underneath and a tie to match the girls’ skirts.

But this is not necessarily so.

Some schools simply ask that their students wear a certain color dress shirt with khaki pants or another type of dress pant. This tends to be the more affordable form of uniform and one that parents rarely argue with.

The benefits

There are many potential benefits to the uniform. Those benefits include:
Decreased violence and theft that is usually the result of clothing and shoes problems
Reduced need for teachers to have to pay so much attention to dress code when there are other issues that need focus
Students are less distracted
A sense of community is instilled into the students
It is easier for school employees to recognize when someone doesn’t belong on campus
Gang colors are restricted
The issues tend to circle around personal opinion, such as parents and students believing that the implementation of school uniforms violates freedom of expression. There are some cases in which religious beliefs may come about.


If you are looking for an answer to 'why is school uniforms a good idea ', or need to convince someone about it, the points presented a good argument in these study. However, most students think, ‘school uniforms are bad!’. Given that most uniforms are very formal and rarely fashionable, I tend to see their point of view. I hope these points will help will help you answer the question (especially if it is posed by one of your kids): are school uniforms good or bad? In my opinion it is best to reach a midpoint. If schools implement uniforms, they should decide on semi-casual, comfortable clothing. They should also allow students to choose between a few options. It is understandable why schools want to institute uniforms. It is one way to maintain decorum and discipline, which schools require. Also, events in the past, such as the one at Columbine, where students were singled out partially for what they wore, have left everyone unnerved. There have also been thefts and murders over designer shoes. In the face of such ghastly events, uniforms may come across as the means to a peaceful end. However, I am here only to provide the argument. School uniforms: good or bad? You decide!

Chapter IV
Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations


After reviewing the pros and cons of the school uniform debate one thing is quite clear…there is no clarity! In truth, there have been many studies about the issue which have all arrived at a variety of conclusions. For instance, in his book, The School Uniform Movement and what it tells us about American Education: A Symbolic Crusade, Associate Professor David Brunsma concluded that there is no positive connection between school uniforms and safety and achievement. (Marian Wilde, Do School Uniforms make kids better?) Another study by Ryan Yeung which comes from research conducted by Educational Policy, clearly states that school uniforms have no effect on increasing school achievement and in some cases can actually inhibit it. In contrast to these findings is a study by Oxford Brookes University which found school uniforms improve student behavior and reduce instances of bullying. Also, a University of Houston study suggested school uniforms reduce student absenteeism and improve behavior. Such aspects then in turn lead to improved performance.

Considering the wide array of opinions and very political nature of this topic, I would contend that there actually is NO definitive answer. Instead I would propose it is entirely dependent upon the individual nature of your school and the population. In some cases having school uniforms would be a wonderful thing to happen, in others it would be disastrous. The key is that when finding a solution it needs to be local in nature and come about as a process of healthy debate and discussion which respects all differing opinions…including parents, staff and students. This is an issue which has the potential to tear a school apart. An inclusive. fair, equitable approach to this issue can prevent this from ever happening and will make your school stronger than ever before!

In conclusion, uniform make it easier to get dressed and they can help student belong. Pupils all around the world have worn school uniform for many years. Many schools in Japan, France, USA and Israel, oblige pupils to come to school with a uniform. Wearing school uniform has advantages and disadvantages which I will present in my composition.

On the one hand, the school uniform is very important. It is imporatant because it shows that a student belongs to a certain school. When a student wears a shirt with the school 's symbol, everyone knows where the student studies, a thing which may help to create a feeling of belonging and school pride. Moreover, the school uniform saves money. Students sometimes judge other students by their outward look. Therefore, many students spend much money on clothes in order to be more popular. When everyone wears the same uniform, the students don 't need to spend much money to buy expensive brand names. In addition, school uniform saves time in the mornings because you don 't have to think much about what to wear. In addition, schools claim that school uniform is important for good education because pupils need to obey a certain dress code, a thing that helps the students be prepared for the army and any other framework.

On the other hand, some pupils claim that wearing a school uniform hurts their individuality and self-expression. They claim it deprives them of the right to wear whatever they want. After all, they are still children and at this age there should be more room for self-expression. As far as saving money, some pupils claim that the school uniform doesn 't save money because they need to buy additional clothes to what they already have. Therefore, they think it is not necessary and should be cancelled.

To conclude, in the light of the above, school uniform has advantages and disadvantages. I strongly believe that the school uniform is necessary and has benefits. However, I think that each school should design its school uniform from time to time and let pupils and teachers decide on it.


This study suggests that we should properly wear a school uniform. School uniforms are a good idea for a variety of reasons. For example, they help students to pay attention in class. Since students are not focusing on other students’ clothing and fashion styles, they are able to focus on their work. Also, school uniforms reduce bullying because students won’t be picked on for what they wear. If all students are wearing blue polo shirts and khaki pants, it is harder to find outliers who don’t fit in. Finally, uniforms prevent parents from spending money on the latest designer trends. The popular teen brand Aeropostale charges almost $100 for an outfit, while a uniform would cost far less. As you can see, school uniforms offer many benefits.

1. Bowen, Sherry. "View Article | EduGuide." Home | EduGuide. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

2. "Children 's School Uniforms: Pros and Cons for a Children’s Dress Code at School |" Dorit Sasson | Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

3. GreatSchools, Joining. "Do Uniforms Make Schools Better? - Defining Your Ideal School | GreatSchools." GreatSchools - Public and Private School Ratings, Reviews and Parent Community. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

4. "Pros and Cons of School Uniforms." Free Articles Directory | Submit Articles - Creative Common License. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

5. Redmond, Jodee. "Pros and Cons of School Uniforms | LoveToKnow." Fun Kids Activities| Kids Games| Printables for Kids. Love to Know Corp. Web. 14 Nov.

6. 2011.

7. "School Uniforms Pros and Cons." Pro Con Lists. Brosen Interactive. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

8. "What Is Your Opinion of School Uniform? - School Forum - GardenWeb." That Home Site! Forums - GardenWeb. IVillage INC. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

Bibliography: 1. Bowen, Sherry. "View Article | EduGuide." Home | EduGuide. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. 2. "Children 's School Uniforms: Pros and Cons for a Children’s Dress Code at School |" Dorit Sasson | Web. 14 Nov. 2011. 3. GreatSchools, Joining. "Do Uniforms Make Schools Better? - Defining Your Ideal School | GreatSchools." GreatSchools - Public and Private School Ratings, Reviews and Parent Community. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. 4. "Pros and Cons of School Uniforms." Free Articles Directory | Submit Articles - Creative Common License. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. 5. Redmond, Jodee. "Pros and Cons of School Uniforms | LoveToKnow." Fun Kids Activities| Kids Games| Printables for Kids. Love to Know Corp. Web. 14 Nov. 6. 2011. 7. "School Uniforms Pros and Cons." Pro Con Lists. Brosen Interactive. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. 8. "What Is Your Opinion of School Uniform? - School Forum - GardenWeb." That Home Site! Forums - GardenWeb. IVillage INC. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

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    School uniforms: some schools use them as a symbol of prestige and wealth while other schools use school uniforms to help with low budget. This article is written to offer information on the “why” and “how” school uniforms would be a good idea for any school to consider using. Firstly, this article shall show some surprising statistics that may surprise you on where uniforms are mostly used. Additionally, in this article are how parents can benefit from the uniform system. Furthermore, schools will be pleased to view how school uniforms affect many things and can solve many problems.…

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Dress Codes

    • 394 Words
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    References: U.S. Department of Education (1996, February). Manual on School Uniforms: Where They Are and Why They Work. Retrieved February 2004, from…

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  • Good Essays

    Students have debated the topic of school uniforms for years. Many people believe the benefits of uniforms do not outweigh the bad. However, credible sources such as the Washington Post and CNN state uniforms are very beneficial.…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    School Uniforms School uniforms have been debated about since the 1900’s and are still talked about to this day. Initially favored by private schools, uniforms have slowly snuck their way into the public school system. People in favor of uniforms say they make school safer, whereas others with opposing beliefs say they infringe upon students individuality. ( In this essay, I will explain why school uniforms should not be a requirement in ANY schools. The main reason school uniforms should not be enforced is because it restricts students freedom of expression.…

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  • Better Essays

    Pros of School Uniforms

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    By the term school uniform, we mean the same dress every single individual student wear in the domain of school. The school uniforms are the basic need of the present day society and every school must make compulsory to wear the uniform in the domain of school. School uniforms are the symbol of equality in the domain of educational sector. Moreover, it is the very basic lesson of equality. Everybody in the same dress is the practical and moral lesson of equality, and it is the lesson of homogenization in the domain of a school. Considering the benefits of school uniforms include the professionalism among the children, promotion of discipline, reducing fight, school bullying and violence, aiding to prevent distractions, values, low-cost and eliminating the theme of individuality.…

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    Have you seen school uniform these days, not only that they have no style, they are so uncomfortable. Many students will complain how these clothes are uncomfortable and not only that, they are very distracting and make it hard to concentrate during classes. Most of them aren’t suited for the seasons like a sweater in summer. Michelle Kouzmine contributes to the two sides on this conflict on her articles, “The Arguments against School Uniforms: Cons to Wearing School Uniforms” and, “The Pros of…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    School Uniforms

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    School uniforms are widely used in public schools. Despite disagreements among parents, students, and the school districts, school officials cite many reasons for students to wear school uniforms. Those reasons usually include the following: the uniforms are cheaper for parents, students wearing the same clothes decreases school fights, and students can receive a better education in the secure environment uniforms creates. Some students and parents disagree because wearing uniforms is not pleasing to them and does not alleviate traditional school problems. It makes students depressed because they cannot express themselves, they are forced to look like others, and it takes the fun out of school. What really happens when students are all dressed the same? Students’ creativity is hindered, and they are unable to show their individuality. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothes and not be forced to wear uniforms.…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    For the past decade, schools, parents and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire. Over the last few years, cases involving an anti-Bush T-shirt in Vermont made their way through the courts, causing many to wonder whether this debate will ever be resolved. Most researchers’ state that uniforms do not help with academic performance however, improvements in attendance rates and graduation rates have been observed. School districts across the country are battling over this issue with the help of parents.…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    Uniforms are seen all over the world and are worn for many different reasons that range from going to a reunion or going to work. School uniforms have recently became a popular trend amongst schools. Some students and parents do not agree with school uniforms because they can take away the right of self-expression. School uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Uniforms can limit what the student can wear to school every day, but it does not limit the student from learning. Uniforms are a positive thing, because they eliminate bullying, combine social classes, and gives the school a professional look.…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    Nearly all students do not support school uniforms; however they do not know the benefits in wearing them. Believe it or not, there are a lot more pros than cons when it comes to wearing school uniforms. First off, school uniforms will develop a better teaching and learning environment. They will also save families a good deal of money. And lastly, school uniforms will eliminate a lot of bulling and labeling. A school would be a better place, for teachers and students, if school uniforms were required.…

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  • Best Essays

    Uniforms and Gang Violence

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    • 9 Pages

    "Should kids be required to wear school uniforms?(Debate)." Junior Scholastic. Scholastic, Inc. 2006. AccessMyLibrary. 6 Oct. 2009 .…

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    Con School Uniform

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    School uniforms are a highly discussed topic, that will probably not go away, but we hope we can enlighten you, why having school uniforms are a bad decision.…

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    Good Essays