
Personal Narrative: Mission Trip

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Personal Narrative: Mission Trip
Mission Trip

Weather destruction hits hard some places more then others around the world. In Alpena where I live we rarely have any kind of major weather damage. On June 14, a group of 44 members from Grace Lutheran Church, as well as other churches in Alpena, drove 20 hours to Mayflower, Arkansas where a level 5 tornado had hit. I was one of these, along with my mom and one of my best friends Maddy. For six months we had prepared and fundraised. I did not want to go on this trip, but what I was going to see was much more than what I had imagined--i came back more grateful for the life I have and more aware of the problems that other people deal with.

The trip would be a total of seven days. Day one was a long 20 hour drive

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