
Margaret Wente's We 'Re So Rich, Why Aren' T We Happy?

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Margaret Wente's We 'Re So Rich, Why Aren' T We Happy?
In “We’re so Rich, Why Aren’t We Happy?” by Margaret Wente, the author is describing a situation that happened to her and, also, it’s reasons and consequences. She is telling about the things that can make us happy, although, that happiness would not last long because people are obsessed with things to buy because of the society. She provides an example of a sink that she would buy for her new house; the sink that she never saw before and that costs a lot of money, however, it will make her happy, of course, until she finds something better. The reason she needs that expensive sink and not a cheaper one is a self-confident point that was enforced by social surrounding.
In this article, the author is trying to say that people depend on society. They care about such things as social status and class, and they are getting more obsessed with things through the years. “…why we keep consuming, It’s hard-wired into us” (Wente 343). Margaret Wente is also saying that things that people desire will make them happy as long as they find something more significant and if they cannot fulfill their wishes, it can even lead to stress because it might lower their self-sense and make them feel that their social status it lower than the others.
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“Our unending lust for stuff is also known as the "upscaling of lifestyle norms” (Wente 342). This “lust” is not going to disappear; people will always want more than they already have. People are becoming greedy and it is becoming normal because the society makes us feel that certain way. People could live a free and happy life but “The happiness experts…claim that probably you're no happier than your grandparents were. Just the opposite” (Wente 343). The social norms are changing and people need to follow them to be

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