
Experience Is the Best Teacher

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Experience Is the Best Teacher
Past clings to us. The actions of our forefathers, their experience in life pave our way at present. The books of great authors may not teach us as much as we learn from experience. Lessons of experience may be hard, sometimes one may get a severe blow to experience a reality. Whatever the case, experience is great master. Preaching, sermonizing may prove of no use, but personal experience and that too a bitter one forbids a person from repeating a folly. A man who breaks all the rules of health in his youth by self-indulgence and vice, learns at last when his health is wrecked. Then he gives up the wrong path and adopts a right one. Sometimes the youth ignore the lesson of the experience of their forefathers. They think that they are treading the light path. When they experience the same experience as has been experienced by their ancestors they understand the value of experience. The proverbs are the outcome of vast experience. All is not gold that glitters. Waste not, want not; cut your coat accordingly to your cloth have great lessons for us. These are gain experiences that have resulted in the formation of these proverbs. Moreover they are universal in their character. The old people suffered a lot and then drew conclusions from their bitter experiences. They passed on these lessons to their coming generations. Much cost must have been paid by them in undergoing there experience. At times people lost their lives to experiment the results of a few natural herbs. All the inventions discoveries are the result of experiments of scientist, discovers and inventors. An artist experiments and then he is able to produce a master piece. While doing experiments we meet unpleasant results, failures. We still continue experiments because the failures are a stepped stone to our success. It is only by experience that we learn not to repeat our mistakes. Lessons taught by experience are not always harsh. It depends on us in what way we accept the lesson taught

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