
Examples Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Examples Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby
The book The Great Gatsby represents a corruption of the American dream. The characters in this book try to achieve this dream which most of them involve gaining wealth and social standards. They all end up failing one way or another because of their lifestyle. Gatsby himself represents the corruption of the American dream. Before Gatsby's dream was corrupted, he believed that personality was important to be successful. He also kept this notebook when he was a child filled with many ideas of himself trying to improve. Sadly, Gatsby turned into a iniquitous person. Gatsby still had money that was growing and growing in his bank account, but his character was not growing. A lot of the characters in The Great Gatsby are full of hope, especially …show more content…
She was not a fan of Daisy because Tom and Daisy were married. She wanted to become higher in the upper class and richer. Tom did not have to work at all. He got all his money from his parents. But, for him if he lost Daisy it would be a big change in his dream because he sees her as a retention. In chapter seven Tom says" I can't speak about what happened five years ago because I didn't know Daisy then--and I'll be damned if I see how you got within a mile of her unless you brought the groceries to the back door" (Fitzgerald, 131). Daisy's love in like a possession to Tom. He is controlling saying that Gatsby cannot have anything else besides driving her around. Myrtle had an affair with Tom so she could feel included and belonged into the higher class. The Great Gatsby represents the corruption of the American dream. In this book many characters tried to achieve the dream but failed. Myrtle, Gatsby, Wilson and many other characters failed because of certain circumstances. F. Scott Fitzgerald shows how people are not treated equally because there are many different social rankings. Fitzgerald was trying to explain how the characters in this novel such as Daisy, Wilson, and even Gatsby were just trying and trying to get rich and get a higher social standard. They did not pay attention to equality or social

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