
Comparing Bell Jar And The Diary Of A Teenage Girl

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Comparing Bell Jar And The Diary Of A Teenage Girl
Bell Jar is narrated from Esther’s perspective, forces us to understand her point of

view and see that, viewed from some angles, her actions seem almost reasonable. Esther

wants to save herself by destroying herself. If there is no one interested in listening to her

nor willing to offer her a helping hand she feels alone in her struggle and by suicide she

could help herself and at the same time get the attention and immortality that many artist

thrive for. After few attempts of hurting her fragile body she comes to a conclusion that

on some level killing herself would not provide her the satisfaction that she is seeking.

After failing to slit her wrists, she said; “It was as if what I wanted to kill wasn’t in that
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Her wish to die rather than live a false life

can be interpreted as noble and brave anti-hero like behavior. Sacrifice self as a martyr to

win her dignity. Ester has strength to reject the conventional model of womanhood. She

longs to have adventures that society denies her, particularly sexual adventures. She

dreams of a larger life, but the stress even of dreaming such a thing worsens her madness.

Ester is trapped in the system that is larger than her white fragile body, she is trapped in

the men’s world.

5. Phoebe Gloeckner, The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Using examples from the text, prove one of these statements:

a. Minnie Goetz is NOT a victim.

b. Minnie Goetz IS a victim.

a. “I had sex for the first time today. Holy shit!” "This means I'm officially an

adult!" says Minnie, by way of introducing herself to us. She does not see herself as a

victim rather as a winner with a hot, older secret lover who also is her mother’s boyfriend

and someone whom she knows and trusts for a long time. They both share a secret.

“I didn’t know if I wanted to fuck him or not, but I didn’t want to pass up the
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Most likely she also loves her mother

and in a strange way she helped her to end up the relationship with very immature

boyfriend. "He was vulnerable and weak. It was all I ever wanted." But she immediately

loses interest, with the epiphany that the only one she desperately needed to love her was

herself. “ I am better than you, you son of a bitch.” Minnie grows stronger and comes to

know herself and her desires, realizing that the answers do not lie in her lover but within

herself. She goes through a catharsis from a teenager into a woman and an artist.

b. When she was 15, Minnie lost her virginity to an older man who also happened

to be her mother's boyfriend. Right at the beginning of the book Minnie is betrayed by

someone whom she knew for a long time, someone who was supposed to be like a father

figure in her home. Morally such a betrayal is wrong on so many levels. No one with

good heart and stable state of mind could to sleep with a mother and a daughter

simultaneously. Grownups in Minnie’s life failed their roles and so did society by

exposing kids to drugs and sex way too early stealing Minnie’s innocence from

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