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Cell Phones

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Cell Phones
Cell phones has affected the way we socialize these days; if you notice people are starting to text their friends and family instead if actually speaking verbally. You go out to dinner and look around and see people out with family but there is no conversations going on at the table mostly just huh… yeah… mmhm.., because they are busy texting someone not there on their phones. I feel human communicant is slowly disappearing among friends and family. You even see parent’s texting their kids when in the same house to discuss something with them. People in relationships hold everything in until they are able to text it to their other half. Our communication between each other is depending on a little electronic device. People use cell phones in public places, and during church. I have even seen ten-year olds walking across the street texting their friends instead of paying attention to the cars. On a website called pocket-lint a writer names Amber Maitland states a few interesting percentages she states More than 50% of mobile phone users aged 18 to 24 have sent or received invitation to a date via text message, while a similar percentage agreed that sending a flirty text to someone while in a relationship is cheating. A depressing 20% of those surveyed under-25-years-old have dumped someone via text. If things continue like this, I feel we will forget how to deal with certain communication situations face to face. If you ask my opinion, I would very insulting to get dumped over a text. If you think that is bad you should have seen the percentage of people who admitted texting or talking on the phone while using the toilet, on geek sugar forty-two percent! States I never knew so many people being their phones everywhere they go I mean everywhere. You know just between the parents texting their children whole in the same house and out at dinner everyone sitting at the table is texting instead of talking amongst other another I find this texting situation is a little out of hand. The average teen sends and receives over 2000 text messages a month. This over-the-top messaging is leading to some serious problems. Many teens stay up all night texting then text while in school this behavior has to be doing some damage on their grades. Parents should either limit texting or not allow their children to have cellphones but only for emergency use. I feel parent have a big influence on their children and if they learn how to control the use of cell phones, it can change a lot for the future. I think it would be a better and a safer world if the parents would just teach their children when to use their phones. I bet it would stop a big part of texting while driving which will decrease car accidents.

Though I am one of these people whom text a lot, I have tried lowering how often I use text to communicate, because I noticed how bad it was getting. I would even ignore a phone call from friends and text those saying text me do not call me. I can see how cell phones has changed our social skills some people are scared to even talk on the phone, because they are so use to the nonverbal way of communication. This is why this is such an interesting topic for me. Cell phones are an easy route to say things you are scared to say face to face to a person, but I do not think it is a very healthy way of communication. I fear that eventually we will lose face-to-face communication all together.
They write about how cell phones may be causing social isolation because it is changing how we communicate with other people. They explain how we have changed how we handle social situation because we are so used to talking through messaging or text.
Pew Internet Project: Director Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Center Director of Survey Research Scott Keeter did research for cell phones use on date April 2006.
Their research is about how people are using cell phones. They show many people use cell phones to use of time. They do surveys on how many people use what on their cell phones like texting and the internet.

” Texting Can Damage Communication Skills” from Superintendent A. Barbara Wheeler
She explains that teens are not spending their free time, as they should instead of playing outside or doing homework they are texting with their friends or playing on the internet. Most teens take two times longer to finish their homework, because of all the texting and communicating on the phones and internet.

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