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animals in our life

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animals in our life
Animals in our life. Pets. Farm animals.

Animals play an extremely important part in the lives of humans. We may not realize how much impact animals have on our lives.
They have played various roles; that of a friend, companion, protector, comforter, and more.
Addressing people who are not animal lovers, I would say it is very difficult to explain what joy an animal can bring to one's life.
Pets impact human lives on a face-to-face basis by being our companions, whether it's a cat or a dog. Nothing is more comforting than having a dog greet you at the door, or a cat curl up in your lap. Pets help us in our daily life in terms of giving us the emotional support and ,personally, I find it most important.
Also having a pet is a great way to teach a child caretaking skills. A pet must be fed and watered daily, on some days given a bath, and trained. In order to help children get used to the responsibilities involved in looking after a real pet, some parents buy them virtual pets. But if you ask me, this kind of toys is useless.
If we talk about pets, we should clear up what is it to be a pet owner. Nowadays we are used to meet eccentric owners on the streets or in public places. It's their choice and right to celebrate their pet's birthday with a party, or to talk to their pets on the phone, or even to permit their pets to enjoy the leftovers from the owner meal in a restaurant. But let's face the fact that some people are really animal crackers. I may be wrong, but keeping unusual pets or large amount of pets in little flat is absolutely insane action. Tigers, panthers and lions are ferocious, wild animals. They are not suited for domestic life and should never be kept as pets. Also if a large dog is not obedient to its owner, then it is a potential danger too. If you're going to take on a pup, you should respect other people and their privacy, think about the size of your apartment and about your free time, would it be enough for your pet?!
Pet animals are often used for rehabilitation. Certain dogs, with special certification, are allowed to visit the residents in nursing homes. A recent survey has shown that animals enhance the lives of others. The sick and the elderly look forward to spending time with animals. Just petting an animal can have a calming effect.
Animals have helped throughout history by working for humans. Many farmers use animals for their livelihood. Farmers raise cattle, lamb, sheep, goats and other animals simply to make a living. Many of these animals are used for meat or for milk. Dogs too can work on a farm helping the farmer with the sheep or cattle.
Animals raised on farms are often our food and fur sources.
Animals save our lives in many ways. For example, they guard our properties and perform heroic feats. Dogs are very smart and can be taught to do almost anything. Whether that is to find drugs, find a missing person or even find a bomb, they are amazing animals.
People trained animals for handicapped individuals. Guide dogs for the blind people can't replace their eyes, but they can be an enormous help in making day-to-day life much easier and happier. Guide dogs assist their owners in their daily activities, from carrying large objects to directing a blind person through traffic.
Furthermore, animals give their lives for the advancement of science. Lab rats are poked, prodded, injected with chemical substances and operated upon, all so that we may find new cures for the many diseases that threaten our quality of life.
Animals affect everyone's life, whether you're an animal-lover, animal-hater, animal-eater or animal-saver. Whether animals are house pets, working animals or used for experimentation they are very important to us and we need them as much as they need us.

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