
Abuse Of Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Abuse Of Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm
• Windmill- The windmill symbolizes the abuse power which leads to inequality. The idea of the windmill is first brought up by Snowball but Napoleon does not agree with him. Shortly after Snowball is forced to leave Napoleon states how the idea of the windmill was his and how Snowball took his idea. "Napoleon had never been opposed to the windmill on the contrary...” said Squealer. This shows how Squealer was able to manipulate the animals to believe that Napoleon is a hero and that Snowball was the villain. Orwell included this object to show how one conflict can lead to a dictatorship and tyrant environment.
• The Seven Commandments- The Commandments symbolize the pigs manipulating the animals which depicts the abuse of power. In the beginning

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